Project Labor and Community Workforce Agreements

Project Labor and Community Workforce Agreements: What You Need to Know

Project labor agreements (PLAs) and community workforce agreements (CWAs) are two types of agreements that are becoming increasingly common in the construction industry. Both are designed to promote fair labor practices, encourage local hiring, and ensure high-quality work. However, they are often misunderstood and can be controversial. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at these agreements and what they mean for those in the construction industry.

What are Project Labor Agreements?

A project labor agreement is a pre-hire collective bargaining agreement between a contractor and a labor union or unions. The agreement establishes the terms and conditions of employment for all workers on the project, and typically covers issues such as wages, benefits, and safety requirements. PLAs are often used on large construction projects, such as government buildings or infrastructure projects.

PLAs are intended to provide stability and consistency in labor relations on construction projects. They establish a framework for cooperation between contractors and unions, which can help to prevent strikes, work stoppages, and other disruptions. They also provide a mechanism for resolving disputes that may arise during the project.

What are Community Workforce Agreements?

A community workforce agreement is a type of project labor agreement that is specifically designed to promote local hiring. CWAs require contractors to recruit workers from the local community and provide them with training and apprenticeship opportunities. They often also include provisions for hiring disadvantaged workers, such as veterans, women, and minorities.

CWAs are intended to help ensure that the benefits of large construction projects are shared with the local community. They can also help to create a pipeline of skilled workers for future projects. Additionally, CWAs can help to promote economic development by providing employment opportunities for local residents.

Controversies Surrounding PLAs and CWAs

PLAs and CWAs can be controversial. Some contractors and industry groups argue that they increase costs and limit competition. They argue that PLAs restrict the pool of available workers to union members, which can drive up labor costs. Similarly, CWAs can restrict the pool of available workers to local residents, which can increase labor costs and limit the ability of contractors to hire workers with specific skills.

On the other hand, advocates argue that PLAs and CWAs promote fairness, quality, and efficiency. They argue that PLAs help to prevent labor disputes and ensure that all workers are treated fairly. Similarly, CWAs help to ensure that the benefits of construction projects are shared with the local community and promote economic development.


Project labor agreements and community workforce agreements are becoming more common in the construction industry. While they can be controversial, they provide a framework for cooperation between contractors and unions, and help to ensure that construction projects are completed on time and on budget. If you are involved in the construction industry, it`s important to understand the basics of these agreements and the potential benefits and drawbacks they may pose.

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