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NOAM represents our future.
Nothing is more precious than the education of our children.

Welcome to NOAM
NOAM is an innovative, modern-orthodox Jewish day school in the centre of Zurich providing Jewish and secular education at a consistently high level since 1980.

Our students are taught by dedicated and experienced Jewish and non-Jewish teachers. NOAM is officially recognized as a private school by the Department of Education of the Canton of Zurich, and meets all the state education requirements. The teaching of tolerance and respect for other people and the environment is central at all levels of our school.
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  • Primary school

    Primary school

    The NOAM primary school provides an excellent secular and Jewish education. Far more of our students than average go on to Gymnasium (selective high school), while many join our growing NOAM secondary school. Our students learn and live Jewish values in an inspiring, warm and caring atmosphere that strengthens their Jewish identity. Uniquely in Europe, they emerge with fluent Ivrit.

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  • Secondary school

    Secondary school

    Our three-year secondary school (grades 7 to 9) offers the highest standards of secular and Jewish education. Students benefit from NOAM‘s modern and innovative approach, supported by committed teachers who bring out the best in them. In a positive and caring atmosphere, enriched by Jewish values, traditions and learning, students prepare for gymnasium (selective high school) or a professional apprenticeship.

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  • Special needs

    Integrated special needs

    NOAM supports students with special needs, and is recognized by the Department of Education of the Canton of Zurich. Our integrated special needs department ensures that students with learning disabilities are supported individually or within a small class by a special education or remedial teacher, while also remaining with their class for some lessons.

  • Achinoam


    Achinoam offers Hebrew and religious education to students who have graduated from the NOAM primary school but are not in the NOAM secondary school. They follow a varied programme that includes Ivrit, Judaism, Jewish history and Jewish philosophy.

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  • Support Fund

    Support Fund

    The NOAM Support Foundation has established a fund that ensures that no child is excluded from NOAM on financial grounds. The fund provides assistance with school fees through a repayable interest-free loan, subject to a clear set of rules.

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  • Dev. & Fundraising

    Development & Fundraising

    NOAM is an amazing success story. But it is costly to pay competitive salaries to attract and keep the best teachers, invest in teacher development, and finance our continuing modernization of IT and other facilities. We have no state support. Even after grants from the ICZ and other Jewish communities, and generous help from a few patrons, the school fees no longer cover our annual costs. So we need your help.

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Student News

See what’s going on at NOAM:

Blog Primary school »

Blog Secondary school »

Gallery »


10. bis 21. Juni 2024

10. Juni 2024 / Montag
Hörnli, Tofu-Bolognaise
17. Juni 2024 / Montag
Risotto, Zucchetti
18. Juni 2024 / Dienstag
Spaghetti, Tomatensauce
19. Juni 2024 / Mittwoch
Geschnetzeltes, Rösti, Rüebli, Fruchtsalat
20. Juni 2024 / Donnerstag
Fischstäbli, Kartoffeln, Broccholi
21. Juni 2024 / Freitag

24. bis 28. Juni 2024

24. Juni 2024 / Montag
Risotto, Grilltomate
25. Juni 2024 / Dienstag
Ravioli, Rüebli
26. Juni 2024 / Mittwoch
Tofusacue, Rösti, Bohnen, Kuchen
27. Juni 2024 / Donnerstag
Pastetli, Pilzsauce, Reis, Erbsli, Kompott
28. Juni 2024 / Freitag

01. bis 05. Juli 2024

01. Juli 2024 / Montag
Reis, Currysauce, Früchte
02. Juli 2024 / Dienstag
Sporttag – Burekas, Salat, Schoggicreme
03. Juli 2024 / Mittwoch
Penne, Tomatensauce, Peperonata
04. Juli 2024 / Donnerstag
Saibling, Zitronensauce, Kartoffeln, Broccoli
05. Juli 2024 / Freitag

08. bis 12. Juli 2024

08. Juli 2024 / Montag
Maissticks, Couscous, Ratatoullie
09. Juli 2024 / Dienstag
Rührei, Rösti, Bohnen, Fruchtsalat
10. Juli 2024 / Mittwoch
11. Juli 2024 / Donnerstag
12. Juli 2024 / Freitag
Schöne Sommerferien 🙂