NOAM is open to all Jewish children. To be accepted for admission, the child must be ready for school and speak German (support is available for non-German speakers). The child must also have sufficient Hebrew to be able to participate in Jewish studies at the relevant level. For the first year, this means the ability to read Hebrew.
The school leadership team is responsible for admissions. The evaluation of readiness for school normally takes place after a discussion with the child’s kindergarten teacher, and possibly with a developmental or school psychologist. When you register your child for NOAM, it is for the duration of primary school. The first three months after entry to NOAM are a probationary period.
Applications for the first year
Children can be enrolled at the NOAM using the form (s. German Website) . By signing the application form, parents/guardians accept the school regulations, which are set out in the school documentation.
Children who are not yet obliged to attend school may be accepted early on the recommendation of their kindergarten, or after a readiness-for-school evaluation.
Applications for the second to sixth year
Applications for children for the second to sixth year of the primary school, and for children who wish to transfer to NOAM during a school year, must be made using the form (s. German Website). The school leadership team will assess the child’s readiness for school, level of knowledge, and social capabilities, when deciding whether to accept the child.
Applications for the secondary school
Applications for the secondary school must be made using this form (s. German Website).