1979 |
The NOAM Association is founded |
1980 |
The school opens in the ICZ community centre, with eight students |
1998 |
Move to the Haus der Jüdischen Jugend |
2000 |
20th anniversary celebration held in the Werfthalle of the Zürcher Schifffahrtsgesellschaft; 1,000 visitors enjoy the day |
2003 |
First shabbaton in Vaumarcus |
2005 |
25th anniversary celebrations: the play “Salach Schabbati” is presented in the ICZ and at the Rigiblick Theatre |
2008 |
NOAM is a founder member of the Schulleiterkonferenz jüdischer Schulen im deutschsprachigen Raum |
2010 |
Founding of the secondary school |
2015 |
NOAM’s new logo and website is launched just after Rosh Hashana |
2016 |
Hebrew website is launched |
2017 |
Founding Turnhalle Noam |
2018 |
Conversion 4th floor |
2019 |
New chairs for our students |
2020 |
Opening Playground |
2020 |
40jähriges Jubiläum mit einem Autokino am 17. und 18. Oktober 2020 |
2023 |
iPads for our students (from grade 3) |