

Get involved

The parents of our NOAM children are a key part of our school community. Please let us have your suggestions and ideas on how to make NOAM an even better and happier school. We welcome your input!

Parent council

In response to requests from parents, the Board and the school leadership team have decided to create a parent council. Parents, teachers and the school leadership team have crystalized their ideas and agreed in general to follow the parent council concept of Zurich’s state schools. The aims of a parent council are to:
  • Organize the involvement of parents with the school
  • Simplify communication, and
  • Provide a basis for cooperation between parents, teachers, and the school leadership team
The parent council will be a key point of contact for parents and the school leadership team. It will coordinate and facilitate requests, ideas, assistance with organizing activities in and around the school, and general cooperation. Naturally, matters affecting individual students or teachers will continue to be discussed directly with the teachers or the school leadership team. These are not within the competence of the parent council. When it comes to decisions on personnel and educational matters, just as in other schools, parents will not be involved. The parent council will consist of one representative and one deputy per year. The representative and deputy will be elected annually at the parents’ evening by those present. The parent council will meet several times a year, and at least twice a year with the school leadership team. In future, the parent council will organize the election of representatives itself. The parent council will initially only be introduced in the primary school, as a test run. We would be glad to have the secondary years included in future. You can read the rules of the parent council, which set out its rights and duties here. We hope that there will be lively participation in these elections. The school leadership team is already looking forward to constructive cooperation with the parent council


Parent Evening  Election of parent representatives for years 1 to 4
Parent Evening  Election of parent representatives for years 5 to 6
November / December Parent council starts work
December / January Parent council meets the school leadership team
April / May Parent council meets the school leadership team

Holiday Plans

Useful Links


10. bis 21. Juni 2024

10. Juni 2024 / Montag
Hörnli, Tofu-Bolognaise
17. Juni 2024 / Montag
Risotto, Zucchetti
18. Juni 2024 / Dienstag
Spaghetti, Tomatensauce
19. Juni 2024 / Mittwoch
Geschnetzeltes, Rösti, Rüebli, Fruchtsalat
20. Juni 2024 / Donnerstag
Fischstäbli, Kartoffeln, Broccholi
21. Juni 2024 / Freitag

24. bis 28. Juni 2024

24. Juni 2024 / Montag
Risotto, Grilltomate
25. Juni 2024 / Dienstag
Ravioli, Rüebli
26. Juni 2024 / Mittwoch
Tofusacue, Rösti, Bohnen, Kuchen
27. Juni 2024 / Donnerstag
Pastetli, Pilzsauce, Reis, Erbsli, Kompott
28. Juni 2024 / Freitag

01. bis 05. Juli 2024

01. Juli 2024 / Montag
Reis, Currysauce, Früchte
02. Juli 2024 / Dienstag
Sporttag – Burekas, Salat, Schoggicreme
03. Juli 2024 / Mittwoch
Penne, Tomatensauce, Peperonata
04. Juli 2024 / Donnerstag
Saibling, Zitronensauce, Kartoffeln, Broccoli
05. Juli 2024 / Freitag

08. bis 12. Juli 2024

08. Juli 2024 / Montag
Maissticks, Couscous, Ratatoullie
09. Juli 2024 / Dienstag
Rührei, Rösti, Bohnen, Fruchtsalat
10. Juli 2024 / Mittwoch
11. Juli 2024 / Donnerstag
12. Juli 2024 / Freitag
Schöne Sommerferien 🙂


Bank accounts


Credit Suisse
8021 Zürich

PC 80-500-4
Account: 208582-91 (556)
IBAN: CH57 0483 5020 8582 9100 0

NOAM Support Fund

Dreyfus Söhne & Cie AG
4002 Basel

PC 40-570-7
Account: 17664.001 (8565)
IBAN: CH13 0856 5559 9141 9390 0

Infrastructure fund

Credit Suisse
8070 Zürich

Ausbildungs- & Infrastrukturfonds Jüdischer Schulverein „NOAM” Zü, Zürich
IBAN: CH30 0483 5020 8582 9100 1